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D.E. Hermann Book Reviews


Wonderful and fabulous read!

This is an excellent read by Ms. Hermann! I absolutely loved this book! Very well written and detailed! I did not have any issues with the Kindle version. Celina is someone who you root for all through the book, love her wit and charm! I adore that D.E. shared her passion of pottery and her two critters that went along with her mixed in with the intriguing mystery! Wonderful job and looking very forward to the next book in the series, I am hooked!


Great first in a series

I really enjoyed Celina's adventures in The Mud Peddler. She leaves her office job to expand her pottery business. However, her former boss is missing, and she is targeted as a possible suspect not only for his disappearance but also is thought to be possibly guilty of taking funds from the company where she worked. Although a few company employees feel Celina is responsible, the head of the company, his grandson, and a handsome private eye believe her to be innocent. As the story unfolds, Celina finds herself in danger time after time as she and her supporters find more and more clues about the missing man and the stolen funds. The ending is not only surprising but satisfying.

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